Vin Diesel lives in a castle that he built by hand using bricks made of the compressed souls of the damned.
Jack was nimble, Jack was quick, but Jack still couldn`t dodge Chuck Norris` roundhouse kick.
Vin Diesel already created a cure for AIDS; if only he could read and write.
19. Munca nu a omorat niciodata pe nimeni......dar de ce sa risti?
Vin Diesel can tell how something tastes simply by touching it.
Vin Diesel has the secret to Cold Fusion but refuses to share until Saved By The Bell is put back on television.
13.Stadiile vietii femeilor în raport cu vârsta lor:
17 ani - Racitor de vin
25 ani - Vin alb
35 ani - Vin rou
48 ani - Dom Perignon
66 ani - O înghititura Jack Daniels pentru a nu ramâne în gât
Chuck Norris is always on top during sex because Chuck Norris never fucks up.
Before Chuck Norris was born, the martial arts weapons with two pieces of wood connected by a chain were called NunBarrys. No one ever did find out what happened to Barry.
Chuck Norris used to beat the shit out of his shadow because it was following to close. It now stands a safe 30 feet behind him.
Rosa Parks refused to get out of her seat because she was saving it for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris can delete the Recycling Bin. 27 7.
Chuck Norris is 1-8th Cherokee. This has nothing to do with ancestry, the man ate a fucking Indian.
15.Simptomele îmbatrânirii:
1.Mai întâi uiti numele persoanelor.
2.Apoi uiti figurile persoanelor.
3.Apoi uiti sa te închei la slit.
4.În cele din urma uiti sa te deschei la slit.
Chuck Norris likes to knit sweaters in his free time. And by ``knit``, I mean ``kick``, and by ``sweaters``, I mean ``babies``.
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