Vin Diesel once invented a plane with no wings. He put wheels underneath it and called it a train.
Chuck Norris was once on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune and was the first to spin. The next 29 minutes of the show consisted of everyone standing around awkwardly, waiting for the wheel to stop.
Vin Diesel created the idea for the game of soccer when he would fly a
Bill Gates lives in constant fear that Chuck Norris` PC will crash.
Vin Diesel was the culprit who ate Gilbert Grape. He would later describe the experience as ``Similar in texture to panda meat , but not without its charms.``
Every time Vin Diesel kills god, a kitten masturbates.
The only reason Chuck Norris didn`t win an Oscar for his performance in ``Sidekicks`` is because nobody in their right mind would willingly give Chuck Norris a blunt metal object. That`s just suicide.
12.Care este vârsta optimala pentru casatorie în raport cu vârsta actuala (la femei):
17 ani - 17 ani...
25 ani - 25 ani...
35 ani - 35 ani...
48 ani - 48 ani...
66 ani - 66 ani...
10. Cel mai important nu este sa stii ... mai important este sa ai
telefonul celui care stie.
2. Nu te baga in lumea drogurilor.....suntem si asa destul de multi
20. Alcoolul omoara incet conteaza, nu ma grabesc.
When Chuck Norris enters a room, he doesn`t turn the lights on, he turns the dark off.
7.Cum agata barbatii o femeie la diferite vârste:
17 ani-Parintii mei sunt plecati peste sfârsitul de saptamâna.
25 ani-Prietena mea e plecata peste sfârsitul de saptamâna.
35 ani-Logodnica mea e plecata peste sfârsitul de saptamâna.
48 ani-Sotia mea e plecata peste sfârsitul de saptamâna.
> > >-- legi in statul Alaska:
> > >
> > >-Este ilegal sa impingi un elan viu dintr-un avion aflat in miscare
> > >
> > >-Este considerata ofensa publica servirea de bauturi alcoolice unui
> > >
> > >elan
4. Cel care se naste sarac si urat are mari sanse ca atunci cand o sa
> > >creasca ... sa isi dezvolte ambele calitati.
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